Contact Information

Primary Contact

Discord: I am "legitsi" and have been for some time. I have DMs enabled for strangers, because I'm not a coward and scammers are too obvious. Get to the point. If we don't have a mutual server, send me a friend request. I will understand. I am in the America/New York timezone, however there's no guarantee my sleep schedule will be. Be patient, I will get to you eventually.

Bluesky: I am liking Bluesky more and more, and that has a Chat feature that anyone can use to message me. So, you can now use on Bluesky to contact me! Yes, I used my Neocities handle for Bluesky. Any plebeian like myself can "verify" themselves using a Neocities domain and that's awesome.

Secondary Contact

Email: My email account is legitsi[at]yahoo[dot]com. I don't know why they do it like that, but I'm going to be on the safe side to prevent any bots. I check my email less often than I check my Discord, but if you don't have Discord, this will work.

Teritary Contact

Other Links: If you for some reason can't contact me from either the primary or secondary contact, either because you physically can't or straight up don't want to, that is the moment when you use the other links. Don't use Roblox because the filter will ruin any meaningful message. All others (aside from those that don't have messaging systems to begin with) are fair game.

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